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Friday, 25 January 2013

The Steam Trunk Craftworks Challenge

Out our last meeting for the FVMQG (Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild), Cathy along with her assistance from The Steam Truck Craftworks outlined a challenge and brought a large assortment of Sari Silk Ribbon  (approx. 5 yards per package) , and if you chose a package you liked,  you were now  entering into their "challenge" and now had to create something using this ribbon.

I was very excited  about the package I chose, and then my excitement quickly grew into "oh no what have I done, why did I select this colour, yikes I was scared. Oh, now what will I make with it.  I've never used this type of ribbon before ever!  Hmm, I did quite a bit of pondering."

Then it all of a sudden came to me, "I'll make a silk bowl."

I had been at the LQG (Langley Quilters Guild) Quilt Show last May and remembered seeing some bowls a Quilter had made in the Gift Boutique.  I really liked them.

So now I was excited on how to create a bowl and with the Internet and YouTube , it's amazing what you can find and what you can learn to do.  So after some investigation and the fact that it still appealed to me, I set out to create my bowl.

I purchased the fabrics and the twine and set out to create....

I found it tricky to do, as a beginner but I am very happy with how it turned out. My bowl is a little bit rough in spots, but I love it, and can't wait to use it in my sewing room.

I hope you like it too!

my package of sari silk ribbon

the ingredients  (2 colors of Heritage Quilters Cotton, cotton twine and silk ribbon), I cut the fabric into strips (1 inch x WOF - width of fabric).  I just started wrapping the cotton twine with fabric, then the sari silk ribbon and kept sewing, and sewing...

At some point when you want to create the sides of the bowl, you tilt it up while sewing and the sides start to be created.  It's all quite amazing how it works.  You work with and feed the fabric covered twine on the right side of your machine while using your zig zag stitch, and the bowl seems to be created on the left side.    

"YAHOO, my Sari Silk Challenge - my bowl - FINISHED   A closer picture

trying to capture the inside

inside my bowl on it's side

The Sari Silk Bowl - I love it!


  1. Wow that turned out fantastic! I never would have thought of that. Good for you, that's a bowl to be proud of.

  2. I can't believe your done already!

  3. CUTE! It turned out great! Also, you're so brave for sewing a bowl. I must try this! Also, I know where you got the cotton twine - Good old Save-On Fabric! :-)
