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Monday, 21 December 2015

CQA 2015 Juried Show - Winner - Excellence For A Group

Starting at the left and moving right: Slice 1: Pat, Slice 2: Penny,
Slice 3: Lana, Slice 4: Carol,
Slice 5: Barbara B, Slice 6: Debbie (me), Slice 7: Nora, Slice 8: Barbara C.
A Slice Of Langley - displayed at the CQA Quilt Show 2015


Friday, 4 December 2015

A very very cute could I resist

Happy Friday to all.    

OK, for the longest time I have been saying, "NO CLOCK in the studio."

I keep reiterating that we don't want to have to be aware of the time, we just want to sew, quilt, visit etc.

No keeping track of how long we've been in the Studio...that kind of thing...

 So, in like "forever" there has been no clock....until....NOW!

....drum roll please.... Val (one of the Sugar Shack Sisters (SSS) found this...

Okay, how could I possible resist!  We were up in Revelstoke, BC on route to a quilting retreat when Val found this beauty.   This was most definitely one of those rare  "fab finds."    A must have, and so we now have a clock in the studio.

....the scissors - swing back and forth...oh so cute eh!   It warms my heart when I look at it.
Hugs Deb