Yup it's a BOY - I just purchased (finally, I have been contemplateing this for some time). I did it!
It's a Jenome Horizon Memory Craft 7700 QCP Sewing Machine.
It features the large 11 inch x 7.4 inch work space. It's complete with all kinds of bells and whistles and Yes, it's a BOY!
Yes, you heard me it's a boy for me! I always refer to myself as being a 'blue girlz' because frankly I'd rather play in the dirt, clean gutters and hanging with the guys.
Pink is most definitely note my fav color (albeit I have some gal pals that love pink, and I am happy for them, but no so much for me). I like blue.
I wanted to originally call him Brutus, because it's loaded with features, he's got some weight behind him, and he's a brute (referring to me because I was joking telling my husband that I was planning on using "brute force" if necessary to figure out how to eventually quilt a 'king size' quilt in my large 11inch neck opening).
But I am now reconsidering my name in that Brutus doesn't mean strong, dependable or even reliable. Boo Hoo. According to what I could find, it means, 'dull, stupid.' Well to heck with this, as I don't want a dull needle or a stupid machine. I've had those types of machines before, and considering how long it took me to save, and then ultimately go purchase my new beautiful boy, I want it called something exciting. I'll have to put my thinking cap on.
My husband suggests, "the beast." Hmm.... it's growing on me! Yes I said, that's it, "The Beast"..
Meet "The Beast" weighing in at 22 kg, featuring the AcuFeed System complete with dual feed foot, 250 stitches including 11 buttonholes, 3 monogramming fonts, and much more.
I purchased the table that "the beast" will fit into for more work space (quilting table space) and the roller travel bag.
I am so very very very, did I say VERY excited and shall start to play with him tomorrow.
I'll keep you posted...how I make out... stay tuned....
Thanks for sharing in my excitement.
Deb, and "The Beast"